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Summer daze in Maine are the best and I am looking forward to enjoying many more of them beginning August 1st ... and on my own time and in my own way. "Own" is the operative word.
Cleaning out my office is more of a major deal than I had anticipated. What I no longer need to keep is easy and can go in the recyling bin. It's the "other" that takes more thought and consideration. Do I pass this on to one of my staff or a colleague at another campus? Do I keep this for myself and if I do, what am I going to do with it? When that is my biggest concern of the day, we're doing good!
And, there are even more files to go through and clean out. Why do we keep so much "stuff"? ...because we think we will use it, and many times we do and as many times we don't. But, it is what we do.
I have not even given thought to cleaning out my email! That's a whole other matter for another time. In the meantime, it sits on my "to do " list.
And so it goes....
I seem to duplicate most of the pictures I have posted. It is not done with intent, but these folks seem to be the friends and colleagues I think about often.
Anyway, here is a new guy - a Maine favorite. Joe and I have known each other for so long I cannot even remember when it was that we met. He is another from whom I have learned much. I need to pay a vist to his campus to have coffee and conversation. Another "to do" to add to the list and a pleasant "to do".
The photo shows two of my favorite guys. I love when I get to spend time with each of them which is not often enough. They are both very committed professionals. I have learned a lot from them.
I thought before my departure at the end of July, creating a little chaos for me and my staff might be in order. Chaos was created when five of my seven professional staff plus me changed offices. Why would we do that before I leave? It had to do with changes in responsibilities for some of my staff and it would work better to rearrange offices. So we did. What was I thinking! I moved to what will be our work study students' office! I have gone from a desk with seven drawers to a desk with two drawers! I have gone from an office with a series of picture windows looking out at the campus to a sliver of a window that looks out at a tree! Nonetheless, I am making this office "home" for the next six weeks.
The move was successful and we all still speaking to each other. The new office forces me to look at my "stuff" yet again and sort through it all - you know, the paper files we create because they are "important". Well, I am finding out just how" important" is and isn't! I must say that I have read a lot of articles and of course I thought I needed to keep a hard copy of each one. As a result, I am making a significant contribution to our recycling efforts.
There are "things" that I want to pass onto each of my staff and that is part of my sorting out. I also have "things" to pass on to some of my former students. Peter, one of our RAs, graduated last month with his bachelors degree and has been hired at a private college in New Hampshire as a Resident Director. He is very excited about his initial step into the profession. I found among my many books, a publication (ACPA or NASPA) entitled, "Guide for the New Professional". I want to mail this to Peter.
The sorting continues. I am on the hunt for what I call "my important papers" that are somewhere in one of the boxes that I have packed. My goal for today is to find them.
And so it goes...
Apparently I misunderstood the method of selecting the font size in my last post published just a minute or two ago. Perhaps I thought your eyes needing testing. My apologies.
Since I am back in my blog, I thought I would add another picture of again good colleagues and friends whom I will miss a lot!
And so it goes...
Here are two of my favorite NASPA Region 1 colleagues. They have a great sense of humor, are two smart guys from whom I have learned a lot. It is overwhelming to me as to how I can let my colleagues know how very much they mean to me. I'm thinking that when I am retired, I will use the old method of letter writing - you know, the pen and paper kind- to tell them so.
I think about this blog often, but do not seem to get myself to sit still long enough to pen some thoughts about my impending retirement. I seem to be able to post something once a month and I would say that is a very slow blog! Oh, well.
My retirement was to begin July 1. As it turns out, it will begin August 1. It seems that my anniversary date when I began to work at the university is a significant date. If I work until my anniversary date, the university deposits more money into my retirement account and that is pretty significant...not the amount so much, but rather every little bit counts and what's another month - another full paycheck and being with people i like very much.
There is not much paperwork to retirement in terms of the process required by my university which is good as it is not one of my favorite things to do ... fill out forms. It seems impersonal. I would rather write a letter to the university saying some things like: thank you for this experience - well, for most of the time; I learned a lot; I met some great people; I liked the location; I feel like I made a contribution from time to time; I will miss you.
The time of transition has begun. Given the budget situation at my campus, they are postponing a national search for my position for at least two years. (I may have said this already in my earlier blogs). We have promoted two of my staff to co-lead the department. It is an economical way to go and it will be an excellent experience for each of them. And, it makes it very easy for me because they are a known entity to me and me to them. I have begun to step back and to let them begin to take more of a lead.
A sunny day here in Maine..."The Way Life Should Be" (our state marketing motto!). My golf league has started. At this game, I am good when I do not expect to be and I"m not so good when I try to be. Hmmm...sounds like the making of a philosophy of student affairs.
And so it goes...