Since then, he has gone on to receive a masters degree and his Ed.D. He entered the field via residence life. Stopped out for a few years. Returned to student affairs with progressively more responsibilities that brought him to his VP position today.
We both have been very active in NASPA within our region. In 2006, Brian was electd our regional VP and he asked me to serve on his Advisory Board. My plan was to retire in 2006. When he asked me to serve on the board, I thought this would be a good way to bring a close to my career. He and I would work together as we had many years before when he was the student and I was the Dean. So, I postponed my retirement until he completed his term as regional VP. I don't regret one moment of it. It will be a time that I treasure.
On my campus, we are in our last week of classes (you an hear my staff cheering!). We are all pretty warn out by this time in the semester and are looking forward to students leaving for the summer and wishing our seniors all the best as they go on their ways.
The last round of banquets have almost wrapped up. It is amazing how many ways chicken can be prepared! I cannot say that I will miss the end of the year rush.
One thing for sure that I know about my first year of retirement, I will not join any committees, attend any meetings, or go to several banquets between late April and Early May.
Until next time....the closer I get!
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